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Daily 10 minutes ABS easy workout at home

Benefits of Incorporating a Quick ABS Routine into Your Daily Schedule

Hello everybody welcome back today we're going to do a 10-minute Total Core workout you don't need any equipment just make sure you have something soft beneath.

Daily 10 minutes ABS easy workout at home

without further Ado let's get to it all right we are starting off on our back so we're going to do some controlled bicycles so lifting the shoulder blade up off the floor both of your feet are elevated twisting reaching the elbow for the knee make sure you're pressing that low back into the floor so those lower abs are engaged foreign taking a 15-second rest moving on to our second exercise.

 you're going to do two crunches so feet are flat on the floor fingertips are by the ears we're not pulling on our heads here so looking up to the ceiling we're going to do two crunches straight one arm comes across back to Center.

another arm comes across back to Center two crunches and crosses thank you good 15-second rest we're going to repeat those two before we move on so we're working in pairs today back to those slow controlled bicycles I say controlled because I find a lot of people when they're doing bicycles they're focused on like as fast as they can go and that way your lower back tends to lift off the floor you're not.

10-Minute ABS Workout Routine: Step-by-Step Guide

Really reach using all of those core muscles so I like to take it nice and slow so you're practicing form good form over everything that's how you get the most out of your workouts got 15 seconds rest you should feel it in that core already moving on to our two crunches when you're doing these crunches as you lift up you're exhaling pressing the low back into the floor and trying to get these shoulder blades up off the floor keeping the neck nice and long and then Reaching Across.

with each arm nice work all right we're moving on to our next set of two exercises first up you're going to do a jackknife so feet are up in the air arms are up you're going to drop everything down and bring everything up down and up when you drop the legs down you're keeping the low back pressed to the floor

and if this is too difficult you can tap the heels to the floor keep the legs bent and kind of modify it like this just make sure you're keeping that low back pressed to the floor get your second exercise is a reverse crunch so now we're going to focus on those lower abs again you can modify this exercise by keeping the legs bent and tapping the heels to the floor your focus here is really using those lower abs and trying to send the knees and the feet up towards the ceiling versus back over your head if you're focusing on

Cooling Down and Stretching After Your ABS Workout

pressing them up to the ceiling you're really going to feel that lower abs turn on foreign good give yourself a little breather we're going to repeat those two once again here we go starting off with those Jack knives just make sure you're taking these nice and slow keeping everything nice and long.

pressing the low back into the floor if this one is bothering your neck you can keep the head flat on the floor and just move the arms and the legs foreign taking a quick breather and getting ready for those reverse crunches foreign.

nice work all right we're going to end off this workout with a few obliques so you're going to come into a high plank you could also do this in a low plank if your wrists bother you are going to bring same knee to same elbow back to Center as you're doing this try not to like to shift your weight here you're trying to keep the core parallel to the floor the whole time  foreign ER we're going to do that again

all right last 45 seconds you can do it keep your bum nice and low in this High plank weight is shifted forward onto those hands bring those knees in as much as you can thank you and that is it guys great job that's a quick killer 10 minutes Total Core workout I hope you guys enjoyed this one give it a thumbs up if you did let me know how you did in the comments if

you're new here hit the Subscribe button and turn on your post notifications so you don't miss another video from me and I'll see you guys very soon bye foreign.

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